Signs That You’re Disconnected From Your Feminine Essence

We all inherently hold feminine and masculine energy within each of us, regardless of our sex or gender identity. When I speak of these terms, feminine and masculine, think of it as a quality of energy.

You can think of this in terms of cycles and seasons, of internal and external, of yin and yang energy.

Both energies are required by nature for wholeness.

Yet we live in a world that has been operating in hyper-masculine energy for a long time.

This is easily seen in a collective so focused on production, societal evolution, and constant pushing forward motion, to the detriment of our emotions, health, relationships, and creativity.

All of us are impacted by living in a society that’s been operating this way, but this way of being is especially harmful to women, particularly those with softer, quieter energy, who are sensitive and empathic.

We all unconsciously get pulled into this conditioning, this logic-focused way of being, this never ending go-go-go energy, and we learn from a young age this false notion:

that it’s more beneficial and widely-accepted to be operating from this masculine dominant way

I’m here to share with you that there is a way to opt out of this being, that does more harm than good.

In living from this notion, we dishonor and forget our natural feminine essence and way of being, which is based in feeling: being present & still, and flowing. Men experience this too, with their own feminine essence within.

As women, femininity is in alignment with our organic essence and ability to attract, work and live better by allowing ourselves to receive, trust, and connect to our intuition.

Healthy masculine energy is also needed: it’s based in thinking, moving outward through action, and directed energy. But it must be balanced by the feminine, the creativity, ideation, depth, before the direction, the action.

With both, we get the much-needed rest and digest cycles that are needed for longevity, health, and sustainability.

Signs you are disconnected from your feminine essence

As a woman, you may have noticed areas of your life where your disconnection from your feminine essence shows up. See if any of the below ring true for you:

  • Constantly on the self-help hamster wheel, needing to improve yourself in order to feel worthy of what you want

  • Difficulty connecting with emotions, in expressing them with yourself and people in your life

  • All work, no play — prioritizing ambition over pleasure & creativity

  • Uncomfortable with receiving, more comfortable with giving

  • Having trouble in letting go of control and letting others lead you

  • Having trouble with accessing your intuition, your body’s wisdom, and trusting it the first time you hear it

  • Struggle with being patient, being still, and trusting you’ll receive what you need

  • Intellectualize your feelings, overexplaining, without actually feeling them

  • Feeling unsure of yourself and hiding yourself from others

  • Self-critical/loathing of physical appearance

  • Substituting genuine pleasure for external sensation (sugar, shopping, etc.)

You might see these signs of imbalance with your feminine energy playing out in your work patterns, your energy, your health, your money, and your relationships, particularly with men.

You may say you want more rest, but you somehow find yourself consistently in burnout patterns, from exertion and exhaustion.

You may say you want a man to pursue and take the lead, but somehow you still struggle with trusting him to do this, and receiving this.

The way forward

Start to build a relationship with your emotions, your body, and your feminine essence.

This allows you to start to live from your heart vs your head.

Start to prioritize pleasure, through hobbies, relationships, fun, in your life.

Start to honor your femininity through your cycle, getting to know your feminine aspect of yourself, and find support to become emotionally empowered.

We women are naturally powerful creators, and yet we have been conditioned to believe the exact opposite, so as a result we don’t trust our intuition and our bodies’ wisdom.

We have been told by society that we’re too much, so we’ve ‘adapted’ by numbing ourselves, our emotions, and shrinking ourselves into a box to be accepted.

We may have been taught to numb this way, and we now automatically do this as an unconscious behavior.

We enter a pain shame cycle when challenges come up, with years (even a lifetime) of accumulated frozen tension stored in our nervous system that now is covered by armor, a masculine shield.

This shield within is what is separating us from our feminine essence in our nervous system and it’s what we have to dismantle, bit by bit, through embodiment work and healing.

The way forward is connecting to our feminine essence that lives within us and allowing it to take up space, flow, and express itself through the body.

This allows us to fully be with our emotions, have safety in the nervous system to hold a wide spectrum of emotions, and to use this safety to increase our ability to be vulnerable, receive, and express our true feelings and needs to others.

When we are living connected to our feminine essence, we are living connected to our power within.

Your life will truly transform when you start living this way and being the authority in your life, no longer looking to the external to prove your worth, defining your unique standards for success, or guiding your path forward in your life, relationships, and career.

You will start believing in yourself, your body’s wisdom, and becoming a magnet for your desires, instead of hustling and chasing them.

With love,

Emily Grace

This is the work I do with clients in my 1:1 program Reclaim, which you can learn more about here.

Want to dive deeper into learning feminine embodiment as a coach? Download a free curriculum - I am a proud affiliate for The School of Embodied Arts.



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