9 Books to Help You Heal Your Feminine Energy

We get so many mixed up messages around femininity in our world: the roles we should be playing, and what’s ‘feminine’ vs what isn’t.

In the last five years, I’ve gone on a journey of restoring and reclaiming my own feminine energy and wisdom, helping other women do the same, and these books have been key touchpoints on that journey!

Each of us is made up of (just like nature) feminine and masculine energies, the yin and the yang. In our modern world, (and in) the past patriarchal system, masculine energy has been valued over feminine energy. 

Masculine energy represents direction and action, while feminine energy represents the flow and depth that typically come before action to guide it.

These are the top books that helped me understand what feminine energy is all about, and how it could help me feel more whole and at ease in my relationships, life, emotions, and career. 

These nine books will help you to tap into your feminine energy so you can start to heal it and embrace it as an organic part of yourself. If you’re burning out, always in your ‘doing’ type of energy instead of being comfortable with ‘being’ and ‘receiving’ it’s time to learn to reclaim this healthy energy within you.

Some benefits of healing your feminine energy that you’ll discover in these books? 

Increasing your emotional maturity and energetic awareness

The healing impact on the planet that gentle productivity has, with the focus on fulfillment over profit

Receiving in your relationships and trusting your partner to take the lead and take care of you

Mastering your confidence, saying no more comfortably and taking back your power

Let’s dive in!

“Maiden to Mother” by Sarah Durham Wilson

This insightful guide navigates the transformative journey of womanhood, from the exuberance of youth to the wisdom that comes with motherhood. 

It beautifully captures the various stages of life and the strength that emerges from embracing each phase. It also talks about the author’s journey of guiding women through their own rites of passage, and transition into womanhood, a path that has been forgotten in our modern world.

The main takeaway I received from this book is that in making this inner emotional and spiritual transition to the mother archetype, you’re making the transition in emotional maturity — taking responsibility over your life your emotions and decisions. 

This book shows that age is just a number — many women are little girls trapped in a woman’s body if they don’t make this transition. Having the mother archetype on your side helps you to feel more capable to deal with life’s uncertainties and stressors. Read this book when you are ready to take responsibility over your life and stop living as a maiden.

“Queen’s Code” by Alison A. Armstrong

Next on the list is “Queen’s Code” by Alison A. Armstrong. This book delves into the idea of reclaiming one’s power and embracing the regality within. It guides women to find their inner queen, fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence that radiates in all aspects of life. 

It’s a little cheesy, but if you can look past that, the essence of the story is that by embodying your queen within and healing the relationship you have with the masculine, you can experience true intimacy and reciprocity in your relationship.

It actually shows you how men desire to serve you, it’s in their biological nature, and if you have grievances with men then it’s you that’s pushing this treatment away

You were born to be a queen, and receive queen treatment and this book shows you how to do this and heal misguided illusions around feminism, men, and independence that are holding you back! If you’re ready to find your king, and elevate your dating experience once and for all, this book is for you.

“The Confident Woman” by Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz

“The Confident Woman” by Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz is a beacon of inspiration for those seeking to build unshakable confidence. Through real-life stories and practical advice, this book empowers your to step into your authentic self, while breaking free from self-doubt and societal expectations.

I found this book in a free little library at a time where my confidence was shaken and it was by no mistake that I found it! This book helps you build an internal sense of confidence and gives you ideas on how to make your life full of what YOU want so that this confidence is not based on external achievements and circumstances.

There’s a ton of helpful insight around societal conditioning around what it means to be a woman — the high expectations that are placed on us and how to break free from that while embracing imperfection with unconditional love — a true quality of healthy feminine energy!

“Radiance Sutras” by Lorin Roche 

“Radiance Sutras” by Lorin Roche invites readers to explore the divine feminine (& masculine) energy within themselves and the world around them. This spiritual guide weaves together sensuality and sacredness, encouraging you to embrace your true radiance and live a life filled with passion and aliveness.

I received this book as part of my feminine embodiment coaching training and it really helped me to understand what the feminine essence is — the quality of energy and how that shows up in the day to day.

It’s one of those books that you pick up and let yourself be intuitively led to read a passage. It taught me about aliveness and pleasure and how that’s accessible at any time through energy and tuning your awareness towards your body.

Unbound: A Woman’s Guide to Power” by Kasia Urbaniak

This book is a roadmap for women seeking to break free from societal constraints and tap into their true potential.

Kasia is a former dominatrix and trained Taoist nun, and from these experiences she teaches women how to communicate and persuade from a place of embodied power.

It provides tools and insights to navigate challenges, fostering a sense of liberation and empowerment. I learned that power isn’t a mood, an outfit, a moment, or a pose. It’s the ability to access your deepest desires, express them fully, and use them to influence other people and the world at large!

My favorite takeaway? Ask without reservation.

Kasia writes, “Women often hesitate to ask because they have been trained to believe that asking will create an implied debt…” (page 138). She shares helpful exercises that will remind you of all the power you hold within you, and how to move past suppressive conditioning of the feminine.

“Mother Hunger” by Kelly McDaniel

“Mother Hunger” by Kelly McDaniel explores the deep emotional connections that women have with their mothers and the profound impact it has on their lives.

This introspective journey helps you understand and heal from maternal wounds, so that you can foster a sense of unconditional self-love and empowerment. 

Kelly is a trauma therapist, and she shares the biological reasons as to why it’s so crucial to reckon with and repair your relationship with your mother so that you feel whole. 

It’s a gentle, healing book that destigmatizes the shame that comes with being under-mothered. It made me realize how their is an unhealthy dynamic in our mother roles in society that can lean into martyrdom or excessive coldness. McDaniel offers a healing path with powerful tools that include therapeutic guidance and lifestyle changes.

Women Who Run with Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“Women Who Run with Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes takes you on a wild and soul-stirring journey through myths and stories that resonate with the wild, untamed nature alive within every woman. It encourages embracing one’s instinctual and intuitive self, unleashing the power that lies within.

I read this at a point of transition and uncertainty in my own life (I call this the messy-in-between) that was taking longer than I wanted and this book taught me that the wild woman journey is slow and winding and it needs time to process. It reminds you of your untamed nature — the part of you that knows the answers. This book is a must for any woman looking to connect with the untamed version of herself.

Pussy: A Reclamation” by Regena Thomashauer

Finally, “Pussy: A Reclamation” by Regena Thomashauer is a bold exploration of female sensuality, urging women to reclaim and celebrate their feminine power. This empowering guide challenges societal taboos, and encourages women to embrace and celebrate their bodies, desires, and authenticity.

This book taught me how powerful it can be to listen to your p*ssy and how we’ve been conditioned to disconnect from this power source. This book reclaims the word p*ssy in a positive way. I know people who have personally worked with Mama Gena and how her impact has changed their lives by giving them permission to connect to this ‘shameful’ unspoken part of themselves, that is actually an intuitive source.

You’ll discover what no one taught you about the source of your feminine power and how to use it. This book is written to reacquaint a woman with her own power source — which is the part of herself she has been taught to ignore, push down, and despise. And how the world NEEDS the feminine to heal the planet and current power dynamics.

If Women Rose Rooted” by Sharon Blackie

Disclaimer: I’m still in the middle of this book but I’m getting so much out of it. I purchased it in a feminist book store called Lighthouse Books in Edinburgh, Scotland!

In this life-changing book that blends myth, memoir, and modern-day mentors, renowned psychologist Dr. Sharon Blackie journeys from the corporatization of modern society to a place of nourishment and connection that the feminine represents.

She uses myth to illustrate how the feminine is directly connected to taking care of the earth, and is the solution to the ‘eco-suicide’ we are currently experiencing from corporations who are disconnected to the earth, also known as mother Gaia.

Like “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” this is a powerful rallying cry to women to embrace a different kind of femininity.

These books serve as empowering companions on the journey of self-discovery, providing insights, tools, and wisdom to help you embrace your true self. I invite you to dive into these pages and embark on your own transformative journey. Remember, the power lies within you!

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of women’s wisdom. May these books inspire and empower you on your path to self-discovery. 

Until next time, happy reading!

xo Emily Grace

This is the work I do with clients in my 1:1 program, which you can learn more about here.



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