How neglecting your feminine energy is harming you

In this blog I’ll share how neglecting your feminine energy (as a woman) may be affecting various aspects of your life.

We'll delve into what feminine energy truly means, the impact of societal conditioning, and how it manifests in areas such as work, self-worth, and relationships.

First, let's distinguish between the flow and go of feminine energy. Feminine energy is about flow – embracing intuition, creativity, and receptivity. Masculine energy is about ‘go’, direction, logic, planning, and action.

Overworking and Ignoring Your Cycle

One common consequence is overworking. Many women unknowingly follow a 24-hour masculine cycle, disregarding their natural 30-day cycle.

This oversight can lead to burnout and a lack of connection with the depth and vision that back your actions. It's time to acknowledge the importance of downtime for rejuvenation and self-discovery.

Unfortunately societal conditioning has led many women to adopt this masculine energy in this ‘go mentality’ in order to keep up be treated equally. When women were going into the workforce and having equal rights, there was a tendency of adopting the masculine energy in order to be equal.

Women unknowingly follow a 24-hour clock which is reflected in the 9 to 5, and this is really how masculine energy works and men’s energy cycle works is a 24 hour day, while women are really operating under a 30-day cycle, with their menstrual cycle.

It's really time to acknowledge this need women have for downtime, of rejuvenation and self-discovery, and men need it too, but especially in this kind of cycle that women have been operating in which is so different from their biology.

Understanding each phase of your cycle and understanding what’s best to do in each one and (what isn’t best) is key. For example, you when you’re menstruating, in that phase you don't want to be working in the same way that you're working say in your ovulation or luteal phase.

That's really one week out of the month where you can’t always completely stop working but what if you focused on less extroverted kinds of work and prioritize rest and self care during this time?

I invite you to learn about your cycle and start to honor it and put up boundaries and that you'll you'll find that this will help you manage your energy better and not go into burnout anymore.

External Validation and Self-Worth

Neglecting feminine energy often results in relying solely on external metrics to validate your worth. This external focus, more aligned with masculine energy, ties your value to what you do rather than who you are.

It's crucial to shift towards trusting and cultivating your powerful magnetic energy that naturally attracts positivity and success.

Masculine energy is concerned with numbers, performance, output and as a woman ties your value to what you do rather than what you are who you're being. The Feminine is really representing this idea and this quality of receptivity of nurturing of love, being, and stillness.

So once you shift your self worth to value those qualities in yourself you'll start to untangle from overworking and performing to prove your worth and to keep up in the masculine cycle, the 24-hour cycle. Just because you're honoring that your feminine gifts are in stillness in resting, that doesn't mean that you're not still working but you're working in a different way and you're not working to be exactly like the masculine.

That has been a huge part of my journey and the women that I work with is untangling their worth from their work. Shifting your perspective of yourself and celebrating when you're resting when you're doing other activities that are supporting you in your work so your physical health your emotional health, like nourishing your relationships, your creativity and yeah your personal expression versus only prioritizing work and outputs.

Relationships and Feminine Power

In relationships, neglecting feminine energy can manifest as control issues, attempting to take the lead in the relationship, and discomfort with trust and vulnerability. It's time to embrace the power of allowing, trusting, and being comfortable with vulnerability – key elements of authentic connections.

It can also skew in the opposite direction: being passive, not using your voice to express your desires, and people pleasing. Remember that embracing your feminine energy is not about diminishing the value of masculine traits but achieving a harmonious balance.

Where I really see the impact of not embracing and embodying your healthy feminine energy is in romantic relationships (usually heterosexual but can apply to other dynamics, too).

So when you’re in your feminine energy in the relationship, it’s like the opening to the heart, the emotions, and that connection. When you're operating in your masculine, you're not connected to your heart, you're in your head as a woman and so you're not able to connect on that emotional deeper level, and it actually may be really scary for you to do.

If you have past harmful experiences in relationship or with men in your life then you may not feel safe in being in this feminine role so you put up what I like to call this masculine shield and it protects your emotions.

You’ll find you may attract men on a mental level but then it really harms you because a healthy relationship is all about intimacy and connection, only really possible with vulnerability and being connected to your emotions. You may be attracted towards emotionally unavailable partners because you’re unavailable to yourself in this way.

As the feminine, you're really in the role of receiving from the masculine and being able to trust masculine to take the lead and you're not able to do that when you’re attempting to control and protect yourself.

What you want to do instead is connect to your emotions, connect to your body, and also look at letting your feminine take the lead in these other areas of your life. This will help you to feel that it's safe for you to be in this type of energy. I think that's the biggest reason why women struggle with being in their healthy feminine energy is because it's not something that has been prioritized or valued by society.

I invite you to journal reflect on what feels true to you and start to connect with your feminine energy in these ways.

This is the work I do with clients in my 1:1 program, which you can learn more about here.



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